Monday, April 27, 2015

Quirky Monday: ScriptFrenzy


It's a real thing. Now, I don't know how long it's been around, but I'm glad it is. Most people have heard of NaNoWriMo--which happens in November--but surprisingly few people have heard of ScriptFrenzy--which happens in April. 

Basically, the only difference between NaNoWriMo and ScriptFrenzy is the subject matter. National Novel Writing Month(NaNoWriMo) challenges writers to write a novel(200 pgs minimum) in a month. ScriptFrenzy has the same challenge, only it's a 120 page script(120 pgs is minimum.) 

People who take this super seriously post bits of their scripts on the website--I'm not one of those people. 

But I do take this challenge. 

Really, all you have to do is write this thing from beginning to end, which you would think is the easiest thing in the world. Sure, that's if you can get your inner critic to shut up for half a second to get off page one.

 Also, because you have thirty days to write it, this means that you are writing for five or six hours a day--which for me, is awesome, but it also does things to your social life. 

Which is why I write bits on my phone, or on my daily commute, to get my daily writing in. Usually, when I'm writing something like this, I give up halfway through and let it sit for months. 

But for some reason, when I'm working under a specific deadline, my critic shuts up until I get to "the end". And then you let it stew for--oh, I don't know until you have time? Or, in this case, a couple of days. 

There is nothing more satisfying than seeing "the end" on a script, and know that you wrote that. It may not be 100% polished, but you wrote that. In a month. 

That's ScriptFrenzy--30 days to write a script, and if you finish early, more power to you!

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