Thursday, May 7, 2015

Name of the Game: BOOKS!!!!!!!!!

When I'm not writing, I'm reading. Two or three books at a time. That's the actual books. I listen to another two or three on my daily commute. I was the type of student who would get into trouble because I'd be reading under the desk. I would devour whole series in a single summer, and look for more. I didn't want to work, I didn't want to sleep, or eat or anything. But read. For hours.

And now that I am done with school for the rest of my life(so far) I can get back to the second love of my life--books. The problem is I never know where to start, there are so many books I want to read. I tried making a "To Read" list once, and gave up after I hit page fifteen(that's when I was writing on both sides of the page).

Once upon a time, I was a genre snob. Through elementary school, I wouldn't read anything that wasn't historical fiction(I read Little Women  so many times I tore both covers off and had to get a new copy--twice.); and then in middle school it was fantasy(Jane Yolen, Tolkein, Ender's Game,  Brian Jaques); and high school was the classics (Dracula, Huckleberry Finn, Frankenstein; you know, all the classics they make you read and then all the other stuff you can find that will give you an excuse not to read what you're assigned--like Robin McKinley, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, Ann Rinaldi, Orson Scott Card, like that).

It was after that I discovered Audible. You guys, this was something a bibliophile should never been introduced to. Never, never. It's audiobooks. Hundreds of thousands of books--John Mortimer, PG Wodehouse, Lauren Willig, Meg Cabot, William Golding, Dorothy Gilman, John Erikson--and PLAYS!!! Yes, there are play recordings--so many play recordings!!! Tracy Letts, Tom Stoppard, Oscar Wilde, Bud Schulberg, whatever else the LA TheatreWorks decides to release, etc. etc.

The name of the game is this: I read too much. I write too much. And now that I'm done with college--I have way too much time for both!!!!!

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