Monday, April 20, 2015

Quirky Monday: Mood Music

Ugh. Finals. The last Finals of the rest of my life. For now anyway. This week's quirk is going to be short, and kind of a throwback, since I've displayed it often enough. To make up for it tomorrow, you get a story. Today though, it's a short and obvious quirk.

Guys, when I write something, I can't function without music.

It's really bad. As I've said before--in person and on this blog--I have to have something to get me in the mood and to keep me in the mood to write.

Sometimes it's just a single song to begin with.

That I listen to on loop.

For days.

And drives everyone crazy.

 That's when I'm still hammering out ideas. And then once I have the plot figured out--or maybe just the characters--the one song turns into two, and then four and then I have a whole playlist!

Yeah, I know you've probably see all of them before--my Production Soundtracks. The ones that are on the blog anyway. Or Instagram and Facebook. Like this one:

I pick theses songs for different reasons. Maybe it helps with the mood of the whole show(3 Doors Down and ANGELS ALLEY; Boy Bands and SIMPATICO); maybe one specific song reminds me of one specific character, or specific scene(like a proposal--thank you Jason Derulio and Marry Me).

But the upshot of all this is that I end up with about 30 songs per sound track, and these then get listened to on loop.

For months.

And it's funny, but when this music plays, not matter where I am, I can keep the story I'm working on at the forefront of my mind.

It'll probably be this way for the rest of my life.

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