Monday, July 6, 2015

Quirky Monday: La Chocolat

Right, ok.

So remember last week, I said there two two things I could not live without and one of them was glitter? Well, this time I'm going to tell you about the other one. You give me this, we'll be best friends. You give me a lot of this, we will have serious talk about the positive direction our friendship will most definitely take. You bring to me on a date? We might have a DTR(ok, only kidding on the last one).

All right, the other thing I really truly can't live without is:

You guys, it's bad. It's terrible! I don't know what I'm supposed to do with myself. I think my mom must have eaten a ton of the stuff before I was born because I really truly can't get enough. 

The problem, though, isn't just that I eat it. The problem is that I really only eat certain types. Yeah, I know--I'll snack on the odd Twix or KitKat or those Crispy or Mint M&Ms; but those are just really---waxy? Yeah, they're waxy. So much cheap waxy--blech. 

And the stupid thing is I didn't used to think so. Until I worked a summer job at a chocolate shop. Now, this particular chocolate shop had a particular policy. You had to know what all the chocolate tasted like. So during your shift, you had to eat it. I'm not kidding. Oh, I was in so much trouble!!!!

This chocolate has no wax. None. It's melting point is higher, and this means that it costs an arm and a leg just to buy it, but OMG it is goooood! And not just cause it's chocolate. See, this company makes a cream that is to die for! They call it a rum ball.  And it's--well, somebody needs to make up a word for what it is, because I don't have one. Anyhoo, this is what they look like:
Yeah. Yeah. Could not get enough. Ever. I still buy some if I've been really really good for month or something. 

They had a sign at this shop that I loved. I even had it on my favorite quote list for a while:

"If a man won't open your door on the first date, be careful. If a man gives you chocolate on the first date, marry him!"

Shallow, I know, but I loved the quote. A friend of mine heard this quote from someone (not me, by the way) and I guess he remembered it, because when he asked me out, he brought me chocolate. He got a second date. And not just because of the chocolate--but it helped(I'm kidding).

Yes, I eat too much of the stuff. But hey, if you gotta have a weakness, glitter and chocolate is ok with me! And also because:

And yes, I did post that on Facebook, but it bears repeating. You're welcome!

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