Monday, June 1, 2015

Quirky Monday: The "M" word

No, I swear it isn't what you think.

I don't generally hold with superstitions. Mostly because--well, they're made up(in my opinion). I don't think you will have bad luck if a black cat encounters you, and the walking under the ladder thing is, frankly, kind of stupid. "Knock on wood", ok fine. It works for them. I roll my eyes.

Except for one thing. There is one word I will never ever say--especially if I happen to be in a theatre setting. The "M" word. No, not "marriage"--the other one. This one:

Guys, saying "Macbeth" in a theatre setting is legit bad luck--to put it mildly. When I was a theatre major(before I switched majors), if we "dropped the 'M' bomb", we had to go outside, spit, swear, and turn around three times counterclockwise before we were allowed back in the building. And yes, we had to do it in that order.

I'm not kidding; there were some crazy people who made us do that.

At least, before now I thought they were crazy.

 For a long time, I held the belief that, like everything else, it's a stupid superstition. But, I have been in three productions now where some smart aleck decided to "test the curse".

You know what's funny?

It was the same smart aleck.

Every time.

 And something went wrong.

Every time.

The lights stopped working; and people got injured(the smart aleck sprained his hand and another actor walked into a stage weight and cut his head open--just to name a few); and during one production(Macbeth, ironically enough), one of the swords split down the middle and Macduff nearly got impaled in the process(ok, so the swords were made of wood, but none the less....).

Now, I'm not saying everyone should hold with this superstition--and I'm not saying everyone does.

I do.

Because I've seen it happen.

So when people say "Macbeth" in a theatre or theatre setting, I'm not going to lie, it kinda freaks me out.  Except I don't do this:

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